Nijinsky - Gala  XVII      Sunday 28 April 1991
                        1791 / 1841 / 1991
           naturally dedicated to Mozart, and also to Dvorak

        ( Natuerlich Mozart gewidmet - aber auch Dvorak )

This program is from 1991 Year Book.

conductor : Peter Ernst Lassen
orchestra : Das Philharmonische Staatsorchester

I    MOZART      for 200 Day of Death (zum 200. Todestag)
As You Like It
( Mozart und drei Themen aus
"Wie es Euch gefaellt" )
choreography : John Neumeier
set :
Klaus Hellenstein
premiere :
13 July 1985, Hamburg
Flucht und Verkleidung
Eine Schaeferidylle

Jean Laban(Jaques), Gigi Hyatt(Rosalind), Jennifer Goube(Celia), Anders Hellstroem(Orlando), William Parton(Touchstone), Stefanie Arndt(Phebe)
Hamburg Ballet
Verliebt in die Liebe
Jekaterina Maximowa(Rosalind), Ivan Liska(Orlando)
Mozart 338 choreography : John Neumeier
costume :
Jil Sander
premiere :
8 Jan. 1984, Hamburg
Marie Lindqvist, Madeleine Onne,
Paer Isberg, Anders Nordstroem
Mozart - Pas de deux choreography : Leonid Jakobson Anna Grabka, Gamal Gouda
II      DVORAK       for 150 Birthday (zum 150. Geburstag)
The Leaves are Fading chorography : Antony Tudor
staging : Airi Hynninen
set : Ming Cho Lee
costume : Patricia Zipprodt
premiere : 17 July 1975, ABT, New York
premiere in Hamburg :
   28 April 1991, Nijinsky-Gala XVII
Heather Jurgensen, Anders Hellstroem, Anna Grabka, Jean Laban, Judith Carlson, Jean-Jaques Defago, Emmanuelle Broncin, Eric Miot
Hamburg Ballet
Spring and Fall
( work in progress )
choreography : John Neumeier
premiere : 28 April 1991, Nijinsky-Gala XVII
Gigi Hyatt, Manuel Legris
Kwintet choreography : Hans van Manen
staging : Robert Fischer
set : Jean-Paul Vroom
premiere : 3 Oct. 1974, HET National Ballet, Amsterdam
premiere in Hamburg :
28 April 1991, Nijinsky-Gala XVII
Gilma Bustillo, Jose Arino, Ralf Doernen,
Denis Feuillette, Michele Politi
Galanteries choreography : David Bintley
costume : Jan Blake
premiere : 12 July 1986, The Royal Ballet, Vancouver
Darcey Bussel
choreography : James Kudelka
costume : Astrid Janson
premiere : 28 April 1991, Nijinsky-Gala XVII
Gizella Witkowsky, Derge Lavoie
Concerto Six Twenty - Two choreography : Lar Lubovitch
premiere :
11 Dec. 1986, Lar Lubovitch Dance Company, Angers
Silvain Lafortune, Edward Hillyer
As You Like It
( Mozart und zwei weitereThemen aus
"Wie es Euch gefaellt" )
choreography : John Neumeier
costume :
Klaus Hellenstein
premiere :
13 July 1985, Hamburg
Die Zeit   - for Roy -
John Neumeier(Jaques),
Anders Hellstroem(Herzog Senior)

Happy End
Jennifer Goube(Celia), Francois Klaus(Oliver),
Jekaterina Maximowa(Rosalind), Ivan Liska(Orlando)
Jupiter - Sinfonie
choreography : John Neumeier
costume : Klaus Hellenstein
premiere : 19 April 1991 Hamburg
Hamburg Ballet